
Senaste publikationerna i DiVA

Författare Titel År
Joel Gruneau Brulin
Attachment security as a predictor and outcome of experiences under psychedelic retreats among the healthy-minded 2024
Joel Gruneau Brulin
Attachment and psychedelics: A Proposal for an Attachment-Informed Agenda for Understanding Effects of Psychedelic Therapy 2024
Aaron Cherniak, Mario Mikulincer, Joel Gruneau Brulin,
et al.
Perceived attachment history predicts psychedelic experiences : A naturalistic study 2024
Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn
Sensitive responsiveness in expectant and new fathers 2024
Tina M. Olsson, Pia Enebrink, Sabina Kapetanovic,
et al.
Study protocol for a non-randomized controlled trial of the effects of internet-based parent training as a booster to the preschool edition of PATHS® : Universal edition of the Parent Web 2024
Sandra Thijssen, Kim Alyousefi-van Dijk, Noor de Waal,
et al.
Neural processing of cry sounds in the transition to fatherhood : Effects of a prenatal intervention program and associations with paternal caregiving 2024
Erica Szkody, Radosveta Dimitrova, Cory J. Cascalheira
Social support and help-seeking worldwide 2024
Renate S. M. Buisman, Laura H. C. G. Compier-de Block, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg,
et al.
The role of emotion recognition in the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment : A multigenerational family study 2024
Sabina Kapetanovic, Lisa Andersson, Robert Svensson,
et al.
Validation of the Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI) among Swedish adolescents 2024
Sofia Elena Bracco, Sabine Sczesny, Marie Gustafsson Sendén
Media Portrayals of Trans and Gender Diverse People : A Comparative Analysis of News Headlines Across Europe 2024
Cosima A. Nimphy, Marie-Louise J. Kullberg, Katharina Pittner,
et al.
The Role of Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation in the Intergenerational Transmission of Childhood Abuse : A Family Study 2024
Bien Cuyvers, Marinus van IJzendoorn, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg,
et al.
Oxytocin and state attachment responses to secure base support after stress in middle childhood 2024
Torbjörn Engelkes, Torun Lindholm, Magnus Sverke
Measuring Loyalty : Developing a Scale for a Swedish Military Context 2024
Veljko Jovanović, Radosveta Dimitrova, Rasa Pilkauskaite Valickiene
The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale : Cross-National Measurement Invariance and Convergent Validity Evidence 2024
Claes Strannegård, Mattias Rost, Niklas Engsner,
et al.
Markov Games for Humans and Machines 2024
Bahar Tunçgenç, Joshua S. Bamford, Christine Fawcett,
et al.
The Synchrony-Prosociality Link Cannot Be Explained Away as Expectancy Effect : Response to Atwood et al. (2022) 2024
Josefine Haugen, Mathilde H. Prenevost, Ida Bekke Rønneberg Nilsen,
et al.
First insights into infants' and children's aha-experiences : A parent report study 2024
Johan L. Kleberg, Astrid Hallman, Martyna A. Galazka,
et al.
No transfer of arousal from other’s eyes in Williams syndrome 2024
Arzu Karakulak, Radosveta Dimitrova, Maksim Rudnev
Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour 2024
Ilona Croy, Torun Lindholm, Agnieszka Sorokowska
COVID-19 and Social Distancing : A Cross-Cultural Study of Interpersonal Distance Preferences and Touch Behaviors Before and During the Pandemic 2023
Michał Bilewicz, Sabina Čehajić-Clancy
The promise and limits of moral exemplars for intergroup conflict resolution and reconciliation 2023
Mårten Hammarlund
Neglected ghosts of contested nurseries : The role of interpersonal trauma and psychosocial adversity for caregiving among parents with intellectual disability 2023
Johan Lundin Kleberg, Matilda Frick, Karin C. Brocki
Eye-movement indices of arousal predict ADHD and comorbid externalizing symptoms over a 2-year period 2023
Matilda Frick, Martin Karlberg, Nina Klang,
et al.
Elever med adhd och autism : psykologiska och pedagogiska perspektiv 2023
Emma A. Renström, Anna Lindqvist, Amanda Klysing,
et al.
Personal pronouns and person perception - Do paired and nonbinary pronouns evoke a normative gender bias? 2023
Hanna Björlin Avdic, Claes Strannegård, Hedvig Engberg,
et al.
Reduced effects of social feedback on learning in Turner syndrome 2023
Matilda Frick, Hugo Hesser, Edmund Sonuga-Barke
Pervasive versus situational childhood ADHD : latent classes and their clinical characteristics, based on parent and teacher ratings in a large longitudinal population sample 2023
Emma Liljestad, Mårten Hammarlund, Tommie Forslund
Synen på att personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning blir föräldrar, har histo­riskt gått från negativ till att värna individens rättigheter 2023
Marta Witkowska, Michał Bilewicz, Sabina Čehajić-Clancy
Interventions Based on Moral Exemplars 2023
Martine W. F. T. Verhees, Anna M. Lotz, Marleen H. M. de Moor,
et al.
Effects of a Soft Baby Carrier on Fathers’ Behavior and Hormones : A Randomized Controlled Trial 2023
Jörgen Lehmivaara, Pehr Granqvist
Attachment and socialized religion within the Læstadian revival movement 2023
Iuliia Pavlova, Steven Krauss, Breeda Mcgrath,
et al.
Individual and contextual predictors of young Ukrainian adults' subjective well-being during the Russian–Ukrainian war 2023
Torun Lindholm, Ola Svenson, Freja Isohanni,
et al.
Motivated errors in the face of facts 2023
Raver Gültekin, Torun Lindholm, Charlotte Alm
Effects of Eyewitnesses’ Primary Language in Investigative Interviews 2023
Philip U. Gustafsson, Petri Laukka, Torun Lindholm
The Voice of Eyewitness Accuracy 2023
Torun Lindholm, Freja Isohanni, Ola Svenson
Motivated Numeracy : The Role of Stimulus Ambiguity 2023
Torun Lindholm, Ola Svenson, Freja Isohanni
Motivated reasoning in the face of clear evidence 2023
Arman Raver, Torun Lindholm, Philip U. Gustafsson,
et al.
Memory accuracy, suggestibility and credibility in investigative interviews with native and non-native eyewitnesses 2023
Sevtap Gurdal, Sabina Kapetanovic, Isak Einarsson,
et al.
Adolescents' Perceptions of a Relapse Prevention Treatment for Problematic Gaming : A Qualitative Study 2023
Tycho J. Dekkers, Ajda Flisar, Adrian Karami Motaghi,
et al.
Does Mind-Wandering Explain ADHD-Related Impairment in Adolescents? 2023
Helena Söderström, Angelica Walfridsson, Ulla Martinsson,
et al.
Neurocognition and mean radiotherapy dose to vulnerable brain structures : new organs at risk? 2023
K. Olsson, J. Engman, D. Nowinski,
et al.
Cognitive Development in Single-Suture Craniosynostosis : A Systematic Review 2023
Erik Bojerud, Ramina Younadam, Sabina Čehajić-Clancy
Testing a moral exemplar intervention in a non-conflict context : The effects of moral exemplars on key dimensions of outgroup evaluations 2023
Matilda A. Frick, Johan Isaksson, Sofia Vadlin,
et al.
Direct and Indirect Effects of Adolescent Peer Victimization and Mental Health on Academic Achievement in Early Adulthood : A 6-Year Longitudinal Cohort Study 2023
Carina Wikman, Mara Westling Allodi, Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Evaluation of a Pilot School-Based Teacher-Coaching Intervention to Change the Social Climate in Second Grade 2023
Carina Wikman, Mara Westling Allodi, Laura Ferrer-Wreder
A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a teacher-coaching intervention: a pilot study aimed at supporting classroom climate and student development 2023
Agnieszka Sorokowska, Charlotte Alm, Torun Lindholm,
et al.
Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world 2023
Mårten Hammarlund, Mia Breitholtz, Pehr Granqvist,
et al.
Parental mentalising among mothers with intellectual disability or ADHD : Links with experiences of abuse, neglect and psychosocial risk 2023
Sofia Skogevall, E. Kaminsky, Jakob Håkansson Eklund,
et al.
One for all or all for one? An integrative review of research on frequent callers 2023
Pehr Granqvist
Tryggare kan ingen vara? anknytning, religion, andlighet och sekularitet 2023