Prevent plagiarism

Teaching to avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism is a major problem in higher education. Working to prevent plagiarism helps to support and uphold the value of academic integrity and transparency. Here you find resources to help you in your efforts to teaching to aviod plagiarism.

Preventing plagiarism - Handbook for Stockholm University staff

A handbook intended to support teaching staff at Stockholm University to actively combat plagiarism and academic dishonesty.

Academic Integrity - a course module that helps students avoid plagiarism

Provide your students with the tools for good study techniques and the knowledge and awareness of what academic integrity means. A digital self-study material on academic integrity for students is now available on Athena as course template, free and easy to copy and use in your teaching.

Pedagogeeks on Plagiarism


The Examination project at SU

We work in the Digital examination team:

Eva Edman Stålbrandt, Project Manager, Department of Education
Christine Storr, Department of Law
Eva Svärdemo Åberg, Department of Education
Ola Palm, Department of Teaching and Learning

Teaching to avoid plagiarism

Prevent plagiarism. Illustration: K B-L