
Senaste publikationerna i DiVA

Författare Titel År
Florian Halef
Predicting turnover intention and task performance among retail and hospitality employees using the Job Demands-Resources model : The mediating role of organizational commitment 2024
Kevin Lillström Stenroos
Childhood Adversity and Adult Work Life : Insights into job satisfaction and tenure in the UK Biobank cohort 2024
Yannick Klein, Ida B. R. Nilsen, Petra Lindfors,
et al.
Nature visits buffered against loneliness during COVID-19, especially among those working mainly remotely. A population-based study of working adults in Sweden 2024
Maria Wijkander, Pia Svedberg, Jurgita Narusyte,
et al.
A Prospective Twin Study Investigating the Role of Genetics, Early Environment and Neuroticism in the Association Between Exposure to Work-Related Offensive Behaviours and Sickness Absence due to Common Mental Disorders 2024
Petra Lindfors, Emma Medborg, Anna Sofia Tanimoto,
et al.
Job Insecurity, Job Autonomy, and Sickness Presenteeism Among Faculty in Swedish Higher Education : Investigating Burnout as a Mediator 2024
Anna Sofia Tanimoto, Johanna Segerbäck, Anne Richter,
et al.
To Do Research or Not : Qualities and Characteristics of Job Insecurity Among Facultyin Swedish Academia 2024
Marta Sousa-Ribeiro, Katinka Knudsen, Linda Persson,
et al.
Meaning of working for older nurses and nursing assistants in Sweden : A qualitative study 2024
Jón Ingi Hlynsson, Philip Lindner, Anders Sjöberg,
et al.
Let's talk about digital mental health assessment : Utilizing PHQ-2 and GAD-2 for in-treatmentmonitoring & BBQ and QWB for outcome evaluation in internet interventions 2024
Maria Wijkander, Pia Svedberg, Jurgita Narusyte,
et al.
The role of familial factors and neuroticism in the association between exposure to offensive behaviors at work and long-term sickness absence due to common mental disorders : a prospective twin study 2024
Maria Lindeman Pihl, Linnea Ersson
Vad betyder krav och resurser för medarbetares arbetstrivsel, arbetsprestation och intention till uppsägning? En studie inom handel- och besöksnäringen 2024
Katharina Klug, Eva Selenko, Anahi Hootegem,
et al.
A lead article to go deeper and broader in job insecurity research : Understanding an individual perception in its social and political context 2024
Marta Sousa-Ribeiro, Katinka Knudsen, Magnus Sverke,
et al.
To work after retirement : a qualitative study among mental health nursing assistants 2024
Annika Härenstam, Erik Berntson, Lisa Björk,
et al.
Measuring Trust in Public Sector Organizations – Research Note 2024
Erik Forsberg, Anders Sjöberg
A Validation Study of the Extended Relevance Scale using the D3mirt Package for R 2024
Annika Härenstam, Lisa Björk, Linda Corin
Trust chains in public sector organizations and their significance for work unit performance and employee turnover intention 2024
Petra Lindfors
En utvärdering av programmet Kvinnors arbetsmiljö : Rapport 2024:6 2024
Claes Andersson, Anne H Berman, Petra Lindfors,
et al.
Effects of COVID-19 contagion in cohabitants and family members on mental health and academic self-efficacy among university students in Sweden : a prospective longitudinal study 2024
Anne H. Berman, Naira Topooco, Petra Lindfors,
et al.
Transdiagnostic and tailored internet intervention to improve mental health among university students : Research protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2024
Claudia Bernhard-Oettel, Louise E. Bergman, Constanze Leineweber,
et al.
Flourish, fight or flight : health in self-employment over time-associations with individual and business resources 2024
Rebecca Fältén, Erik Berntson, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel
How are organisational conditions related to illegitimate tasks among managers and their subordinates in the public sector? A Swedish study 2024
Emmily Hallman, Ellenor Jansson
Skillnader avseende gemenskap och trivsel på företag med olika friskvårdsinsatser 2024
Anna Cregård, Tina Forsberg, Erik Berntson,
et al.
Samspel inom kommunal administration : sammanfattande konklusioner 2024
Erik Berntson, Annika Härenstam
Samspel och tillit mellan chefer och stödfunktioner 2024
Annika Härenstam
Tillitskedjor i välfärdsorganisationer 2024
Torbjörn Engelkes, Erik Hedlund, Gerry Larsson
Loyal to the End (?) : Examining the Meaning of Loyalty among High-Ranking Military Officers 2024
Cantyo A. Dannisworo, Esther S. Kluwer, Ximena B. Arriaga,
et al.
Do Victims and Perpetrators Justify Intimate Partner Violence Even While They See It Happening in Front of Their Eyes? 2024
Torbjörn Engelkes, Torun Lindholm, Magnus Sverke
Measuring Loyalty : Developing a Scale for a Swedish Military Context 2024
Linda Magnusson Hanson, Maria Wijkander, Jurgita Narusyte,
et al.
Work-related violence or harassment and sickness absence due to common mental disorders : A prospective twin study 2024
Johanna Stengård, Constanze Leineweber, Hui-Xin Wang
Prolonging working life among blue-collar workers : The buffering effect of psychosocial job resources on the association between physically demanding and hazardous work and retirement timing 2024
Marylène Gagné, Alexander Nordgren Selar, Magnus Sverke
How Important Is Money to Motivate People to Work? 2024
Sofia Malmrud, Helena Falkenberg, Petra Lindfors,
et al.
Opportunities and Obstacles in Individualized Pay-setting From a Manager Perspective 2024
Christin Mellner
Sustainable Leadership and Work - Nonwork Boundary Management and in a Changing World of Work 2023
Christian Scharf, Erik Berntson
Managerial prerequisites - typical work situations for public sector managers and their relationship with well-being and leadership 2023
Otto Simonsson, Walter Osika, Cecilia U. D. Stenfors,
et al.
Longitudinal associations between psychedelic use and meditation practices in the United States and the United Kingdom 2023
Magnus Sverke, Isabelle Ferré Hernandez, Anna Sofia Tanimoto,
et al.
Can unions represent the interests of insecure workers? 2023
Anders Sjöberg, Martin Grill
A validity study of a work sample test of leadership behavior using supervisor and subordinate ratings as criteria 2023
Magnus Helgesson, Klas Gustafsson, Constanze Leineweber
Psychosocial and organisational work factors as predictors of sickness absence among professionally active adults with common mental disorders 2023
Paraskevi Peristera, Johanna Stengård, Constanze Eib,
et al.
Organizational injustice and sickness absence : The moderating role of locked-in status 2023
Otto Simonsson, Christin Bergljottsdotter, Jayanth Narayanan,
et al.
Mindfulness in Politics : A Qualitative Study on Mindfulness Training in the UK Parliament 2023
Anna Sofia Tanimoto, Anne Richter, Aleksandra Bujacz,
et al.
Job insecurity profiles in relation to indicators of health and well-being among faculty in Sweden 2023
Yannick Klein, Linda Magnusson Hanson, Petra Lindfors,
et al.
Nature-related habits and their development and relation to mental health outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic : a population-based study in Sweden 2023
Petra Lindfors, Claes Andersson, Marcus Bendtsen,
et al.
Students in Sweden during the covid-19-pandemic : behaviors, self-efficacy, and mental health 2023
Anne H Berman, Martin Kraepelien, Christopher Sundström,
et al.
Teaching digital mental health treatment in theory and practice : a proof-of-concept pilot and feasibility study 2023
Anne H Berman, Olga Perski, Petra Lindfors,
et al.
Mental wellbeing in Swedish university students : protective and risk factors in a cross-sectional study 2023
Petra Lindfors, Anna Sofia Tanimoto, Linda Westling,
et al.
Psychosocial working conditions and recovery among women and men : findings from two study cohorts in higher education 2023
Clara Plückelmann, Marie Gustafsson Sendén, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel,
et al.
Women´s and men´s experiences with participative decision making at workplace and organisational levels 2023
Louise E. Bergman, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel, Aleksandra Bujacz
Well-being of high skilled workers : Disentangling person and tasks effects 2023
Gunnar Aronsson
Ett gränslöst arbetsliv – tids- och rumsoberoende arbete och psykisk ohälsa 2023
Anna Sofia Tanimoto, Petra Lindfors, Anne Richter
How do effort, reward, and their combined effects predict burnout, self-rated health, and work-family conflict among permanent and fixed-term faculty? 2023
Louise E. Bergman, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel
Entering and exiting self employment – how do they relate to health and well-being? 2023