Senaste publikationerna i DiVA
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Erik Andersson,
Kristina Aspvall,
Greta Schettini,
et al.
Efficacy of metacognitive interventions for psychiatric disorders : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Tommaso Dorigo,
Gary D. Brown,
Carlo Casonato,
et al.
Artificial Intelligence in Science and Society : The Vision of USERN
Ewa Mörtberg,
Dimitar Krastev,
Elisabet Borg
Psychometric properties of the Social Anxiety Scale (SAS) using psychophysical and categorical scaling
Agneta Thorén,
Karin Lindqvist,
Julia Pertoft Nemirovski,
et al.
Short-term mentalization-based therapy for common childhood mental disorders – a pilot quasi-randomised controlled trial
Sóley Dröfn Davidsdottir,
Ólafía Sigurjonsdottir,
Sigurbjörg Jóna Ludvigsdottir,
et al.
Preliminary effectiveness of the Bergen 4-day treatment for OCD in Iceland
Stephan Hau
Mats Najström,
Martin Oscarsson,
Ingrid Ljunggren,
et al.
Comparing self-assessment and instructor ratings : a study on communication and interviewing skills in psychology student training
Stephan Hau
Potentially uncanny! Dreaming as a simulation process between the familiar and unfamiliar
Patrick Hammer,
Peter Isaev,
Lei Feng,
et al.
Non-Axiomatic Reasoning for an Autonomous Mobile Robot
Robert Johansson
Machine Psychology : integrating operant conditioning with the non-axiomatic reasoning system for advancing artificial general intelligence research
Stephan Hau
Editorial issue 47-1
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Anders Sjöberg,
Lars Ström,
et al.
Evaluating the reliability and validity of the Questionnaire on Well-Being : a validation study for a clinically informed measurement of subjective well-being
Thalia Richter,
Reut Shani,
Shachaf Tal,
et al.
Machine learning meta-analysis identifies individual characteristics moderating cognitive intervention efficacy for anxiety and depression symptoms
Falk Leichsenring,
Allan Abbass,
Peter Fonagy,
et al.
WHO treatment guideline for mental disorders
Björn Philips,
Falk Leichsenring,
Henning Jordet,
et al.
Flaws in the Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Short-Term versus Long-Term Mentalization-Based Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
Andrzej Werbart
Frihetens konst : Sju psykoanalytiska teser om kreativitet och gränser
Annelie Werbart Törnblom,
Andrzej Werbart,
Kimmo Sorjonen,
et al.
Suicide and sudden violent death among young people : Two sides of the same coin?
Catherine Johnson,
Sarah J. Egan,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Artificial intelligence as a virtual coach in a cognitive behavioural intervention for perfectionism in young people : A randomised feasibility trial
Falk Leichsenring,
Nikolas Heim,
John R. Keefe,
et al.
Major flaws in a meta-analysis of short-term psychodynamic therapy (STPP) for depression
Hanne Strømme,
Stephan Hau
Developing therapeutic competence : Learning to work in the transference
Danilo Romero,
Alexander Rozental,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
From alcohol detoxification to treatment : A qualitative interview study on perceived barriers and assessed potential of mHealth among individuals postdetoxification
Carmen Berenguer,
Eva Rosa,
Simona De Stasio,
et al.
Sleep quality relates to language impairment in children with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability
Osmano Oasi,
Kenneth L. Critchfield,
Andrzej Werbart
Editorial : Rethinking unsuccessful psychotherapies: when and how do treatments fail?
Philip U. Gustafsson,
Tim Lachmann,
Petri Laukka
Machine Learning Predicts Accuracy in Eyewitnesses’ Voices
Gro Janne Wergeland,
Ata Ghaderi,
Krister Fjermestad,
et al.
Family therapy and cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders in children and adolescents in routine clinical care : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Krister W. Fjermestad,
Malin H. Wallin,
Frederike Naujokat,
et al.
Group cohesion and alliance predict cognitive-behavioral group treatment outcomes for youth with anxiety disorders
Johan Holmberg,
Ingvar Rosendahl,
Rebecca Andersson,
et al.
Improving mental health among intensive care unit staff with communication skills training
Jaycee Kennett,
Claire Friedrich,
Virginia Chiocchia,
et al.
Cognitive bias modification for social anxiety : protocol for a living systematic review of human studies and meta-analysis
Kristofer Vernmark,
Moncia Buhrman,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
From research to routine care : A historical review of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for adult mental health problems in Sweden
Sarah J. Egan,
Tracey D. Wade,
Hunna J. Watson,
et al.
Towards High Standards of Evidence for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism : A Critique of Smith et al. (2023)
Robert Johansson,
Tony Lofthouse
Stimulus Equivalence in NARS
Håkan Lagerberg,
James F. Boswell,
Michael J. Constantino,
et al.
Does practice make perfect? The effects of an eight-week manualized deliberate practice course with peer feedback on patient-rated working alliance in adults : A pilot randomized controlled trial
Lars Ström,
Per Carlbring
Våga mer med Terapeuten i fickan : hantera oro, ångest och panik med KBT och AI i mobilen
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Moa Nordin,
Jakob Håkansson Eklund,
et al.
Flýtum okkur hægt : Neikvæð áhrif hugvíkkandi efna í sálrænni meðferð
Martin Oscarsson,
Alexander Rozental,
Ylva Ginsberg,
et al.
Evaluating Online Cognitive-Behavioral and Mindfulness Interventions for Adults with ADHD : a Randomized Controlled Trial
Per Carlbring,
Lars Ström,
Jón Ingi Hlynsson
Questionnaire on Well-Being (QWB; Välmåendeskalan)
Olof Molander,
Anne H Berman,
Miriam Jakobson,
et al.
Introducing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Gambling Disorder in Routine Addiction Care : Comparative Cohort Study
Moa Nordin,
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Jakob Håkansson Eklund,
et al.
A double-edged sword : Insights from practitioners on the short and long-term negative effects of psilocybin-assisted psychological interventions
Johan Lundin,
Markus Jansson-Fröjmark,
Linda Gustafsson-Björverud,
et al.
Integrating digital and in-person therapy for PTSD : feasibility and acceptability of blended trauma-focused cognitive therapy in routine care
Andrzej Werbart,
Martin Jonsson,
Bartosz Jankowski,,
et al.
New Skills for Distance Regulation in Remote Psychotherapy : Therapists’ Learnings from the COVID-19 Pandemic D
Andrzej Werbart,
Eric Dominicus,
Luke Sheahan,
et al.
When the screen deepens the sense of connectedness : What therapists have found effective in successful cases of teletherapy
Carmen Berenguer,
Irene Lacruz-Pérez,
Eva Rosa,
et al.
The implication of sleep disturbances on daily executive functioning and learning problems in children with autism without intellectual disability
Roz Shafran,
Sarah J. Egan,
Madelaine de Valle,
et al.
A guide for self-help guides : best practice implementation
Jan Erik Lundkvist,
Katarina Georgsson,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Associations between alcohol use and outcome of psychological treatment in specialist psychiatric care – a cohort study
Per Carlbring
From face-to-face to cyberspace : The future of mental health treatments
Per Carlbring
Practical approaches to online therapy : A hands-on guide to digital interventions and virtual reality in mental health (Pre-conference workshop)
Jakob Mechler
The ERiCA study (EaRly Internet-based interventions for Children and Adolescents) : a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial
Karin Lindqvist
Distant and close - the experience of the relationship in internet based psychodynamic treatment for adolescent depression : A qualitative study
Karin Lindqvist,
Jakob Mechler,
Fredrik Falkenström,
et al.
Therapeutic alliance is calming and curing – the interplay between alliance and emotion regulation as predictors of outcome in internet-based treatments for adolescent depression
Jakob Mechler,
Karin Lindqvist,
Fredrik Falkenström
Predictors and moderators of outcome in internet-delivered psychodynamic and cognitive behavior therapy targeting adolescent major depressive disorder
Rikard Sunnhed,
Hugo Hesser,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Predictors and Moderators of Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy for Insomnia Disorder
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Philip Lindner,
Anders Sjöberg,
et al.
Let's talk about digital mental health assessment : Utilizing PHQ-2 and GAD-2 for in-treatmentmonitoring & BBQ and QWB for outcome evaluation in internet interventions
Karin Lindqvist,
Jakob Mechler,
Johan Daun Krafman,
et al.
Predictors of outcome in internet - delivered psychodynamic treatment for social anxiety
Jakob Mechler,
Karin Lindqvist,
Kristoffer Magnusson,
et al.
Guided and Unguided Internet - delivered Psychodynamic Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder : A Randomized Controlled Trial
Martin Oscarsson,
Alexander Rozental,
Ylva Ginsberg,
et al.
Internet interventions for working adults with ADHD : a randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral versus mindfulness stress-management
Per Carlbring
Framtidens psykologiska behandlingar : AI och VR som superkrafter i terapirummet
Kristoffer Magnusson,
Jakob Mechler,
Karin Lindqvist,
et al.
Guided and Unguided Internet-delivered Psychodynamic Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder : A Randomized Controlled Trial (data and scripts)
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Per Carlbring
Diagnostic accuracy and clinical utility of the PHQ-2 and GAD-2 : a comparison with long-format measures for depression and anxiety
Jakob Mechler,
Karin Lindqvist,
Kristoffer Magnusson,
et al.
Guided and unguided internet-delivered psychodynamic therapy for social anxiety disorder : A randomized controlled trial
Azadé Azad,
Johanna Carlsson
Being a Girl is a Challenge… Maybe That's Why It's So Important to Be Proud of It : Gender Identity and Performances of Femininity in Young Females with Limited Delinquency
Farzaneh Badinlou,
David Forsström,
Markus Jansson-Frojmark,
et al.
Impairments following COVID-19 infection : manifestations and investigations of related factors
Tina M. Olsson,
Pia Enebrink,
Sabina Kapetanovic,
et al.
Study protocol for a non-randomized controlled trial of the effects of internet-based parent training as a booster to the preschool edition of PATHS® : Universal edition of the Parent Web
Jia-Yan Pan,
Per Carlbring,
Lucy Lu
Efficacy of Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Hong Kong University Students : A Randomized Controlled Trial
Ram P. Sapkota,
Tristen Lozinski,
Andrew Wilhems,
et al.
Internet-delivered therapy for alcohol misuse : engagement, satisfaction, and outcomes when patients select their preference for therapist- or self-guided treatment
Gagan Jain,
Samridhi Pareek,
Per Carlbring
Revealing the source : How awareness alters perceptions of AI and human-generated mental health responses
Jakob Mechler,
Karin Lindqvist,
Björn Philips,
et al.
Internet-Delivered Affect-Focused Psychodynamic Therapy for Adolescent Depression : Treatment Principles and Clinical Application in the ERiCA Project
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Oskar Gustafsson,
Per Carlbring
Uncertainty breeds anxiety and depression : The impact of the Russian invasion in Ukraine on a Swedish clinical population receiving internet-based psychotherapy
Alexander Rozental,
Roz Shafran,
Fred Johansson,
et al.
Treating perfectionism via the Internet : a randomized controlled trial comparing cognitive behavior therapy to unified protocol
Erika Baraldi,
Mara Westling Allodi,
Kristina Löwing,
et al.
Parent–child interaction after home-visiting intervention for children born extremely preterm : A randomised clinical trial
Per Carlbring
VR och KBT
Frank J. Snoek,
Maria Teresa Anarte-Ortiz,
Therese Anderbro,
et al.
Roles and competencies of the clinical psychologist in adult diabetes care : A consensus report
Erika Baraldi,
Mara Westling Allodi,
Ann-Charlotte Smedler,
et al.
Innovative multiprofessional early intervention aiming at improving development of prematurely born children
Daniel Kim-wan Young,
Per Carlbring,
Daphne Yi-ting Cheng,
et al.
Guided Online Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Community Residents with Emotional Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jakob Jonsson,
Per Carlbring,
Philip Lindner
Offering an auto-play feature likely increases total gambling activity at online slot-machines : preliminary evidence from an interrupted time series experiment at a real-life online casino
Julian Burger,
Vida Andikkhash,
Nelly Jäger,
et al.
A novel approach for constructing personalized networks from longitudinal perceived causal relations
Sarah J. Egan,
Catherine Johnson,
Tracey D. Wade,
et al.
A pilot study of the perceptions and acceptability of guidance using artificial intelligence in internet cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism in young people
David Forsström,
Kristina Sundqvist,
Eva Samuelsson,
et al.
Feasibility and results of a pilot online survey to examine prevalence of gambling and problem gambling among Swedish substance abuse inpatients in compulsory care
Jón Ingi Hlynsson,
Philip Lindner,
Bushra Barri,
et al.
Exploring cutoff points and measurement invariance of the Brunnsviken brief quality of life inventory
Lars-Göran Öst,
Martin Brattmyr,
Anna Finnes,
et al.
Cognitive behavior therapy for adult eating disorders in routine clinical care : A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Ingrid Wijk,
Susanne Amsberg,
Unn-Britt Johansson,
et al.
Impact of an acceptance and commitment therapy programme on HbA1c, self-management and psychosocial factors in adults with type 1 diabetes and elevated HbA1c levels : a randomised controlled trial
Nick Midgley,
Jakob Mechler,
Karin Lindqvist
Response to Maria Papadima’s commentary on MacKean et al. (2023) and Midgley et al.’s (2021) papers about an internet-based psychodynamic treatment
Ewelina Smoktunowicz,
Jan Maciejewski,
Magdalena Lesnierowska,
et al.
Bridging the adherence gap in internet interventions : A randomized controlled trial study protocol investigating context-specific self-efficacy
Per Carlbring
Vad kommer AI och virtual reality innebära för den kliniska psykologin i framtiden?
Per Carlbring
From Face-to-Face to Cyberspace : The Future of Mental Health Treatments
Yi Ting Daphne Cheng,
Kim Wan Daniel Young,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Among People Recovering from Mental Illness : A Tailored Mindfulness-Based Intervention versus Relaxation Training
Björn Philips,
Peter Lilliengren
Psykodynamisk psykoterapi bör starkt rekommenderas
Alexander Rozental,
David Forsström,
Magnus Johansson
A psychometric evaluation of the Swedish translation of the Perceived Stress Scale : a Rasch analysis
Gro Janne H. Wergeland,
Åshild T. Haaland,
Krister W. Fjermestad,
et al.
Predictors of school-based cognitive behavior therapy outcome for youth with anxiety
Martin Brattmyr,
Martin Schevik Lindberg,
Jakob Lundqvist,
et al.
Clinically representative therapy for Nordic adult outpatients with common mental health problems : A systematic review and meta-analysis
Alexander Rozental,
Gerhard Andersson,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Jonas Ramnerö : in memoriam
Esha Lopes,
Gagan Jain,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Talking Mental Health : a Battle of Wits Between Humans and AI
Robert Persson Asplund,
Fernanda Carvallo,
Hanna Christensson,
et al.
Learning how to recover from stress : Results from an internet-based randomized controlled pilot trial
Andrzej Werbart,
Ulf Rådberg,
Isa Holm,
et al.
The meaning and feeling of the time and space between psychotherapy sessions and everyday life : Client experiences of transitions
Azadé Azad,
Johanna Carlsson
Identity status and narrative identity processes in female adolescents' stories about committing crimes and being convicted
Simon B. Goldberg,
Shufang Sun,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Selecting and describing control conditions in mobile health randomized controlled trials : a proposed typology
Anton Käll,
Cecilia Olsson Lynch,
Kajsa Sundling,
et al.
Scheduled Support Versus Support on Demand in Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder : Randomized Controlled Trial
Willemijn Scholten,
Adrie Seldenrijk,
Adriaan Hoogendoorn,
et al.
Baseline Severity as a Moderator of the Waiting List–Controlled Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Symptom Change in Social Anxiety Disorder : A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis
Daniel Kim-wan Young,
Per Carlbring,
Petrus Yat-nam Ng,
et al.
Low-intensity online mindfulness-based intervention for university students with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic : A randomized controlled trial with 3-month follow-up
Yi Ting Daphne Cheng,
Kim Wan Daniel Young,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Validation of a Chinese Short Version of the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS-17) Among People Recovering from Mental Illness
Daphne Y. T. Cheng,
Daniel K. W. Young,
Per Carlbring,
et al.
Facilitating Personal Recovery Through Mindfulness-Based Intervention Among People With Mental Illness